Senior Girl Scout Troop 4715 |
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2005-2006 Events |
2005-2006 |
Event |
Details |
August 19, |
Regular Meeting |
Planning for our Japanese meal; plans for FOCUS camp. |
Sept 9-11 | Brownie Weekend | 12 Leadership Hours. To volunteer, call Lynn Krough, the Camp Director at Timber Ridge: 7/948-8200. |
Sept 16, |
Regular Meeting |
Cook and eat our Japanese meal! |
Sept 16-18 | Brownie Weekend | 12 Leadership Hours. To volunteer, call Lynn Krough, the Camp Director at Timber Ridge: 7/948-8200. |
Sept 17, |
Gold Award Workshop | Callie, Laura, Crystal & Pat. Workshop # 10366. Carol Farrington, Trainer. |
Sept 18-29 | Katrina Relief: Duffel bag collection & "Badge in a Bag" |
On Monday, 9/26 we sent 22 duffel and other type bags (along with a Target gift card) to the Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council in Houston. They are distributing the bags to Katrina survivors, many of whom are carrying all their worldly goods in a paper sack. Another project that we’re interested in helping with is the "Badge in a Bag" for children in shelters that is sponsored by the Audubon Council in Baton Rouge. We will be doing some research to see what badges they especially want, and we’ll try to get together soon to put some Badges in a Bag together and send them off to Louisiana. |
Sept 30 - Oct 2 | Junior Weekend | 6 Leadership Hours. To volunteer, call Lynn Krough, the Camp Director at Timber Ridge: 7/948-8200. |
Oct 6-10 |
Girl Scout National Convention |
The Girl Scout National Convention is being held right here in Atlanta! Your trusty Advisors are attending. Everyone is welcome! |
Oct 7, |
Regular Meeting |
Plan upcoming camping trip. We made quillows. |
Oct 14-16 | Junior Weekend | 6 Leadership Hours. To volunteer, call Lynn Krough, the Camp Director at Timber Ridge: 7/948-8200. |
Oct 17 |
Maria's Birthday |
Oct 21-23 |
Camping Trip |
We're going to Camp Concharty and will stay in the tree houses. Possible activities include experimenting with natural dyes, painting gourd birdhouses, and hiking. Please review the packing list. |
Oct 28 |
Theater at Oak Grove UMC | We will go see Arsenic and Old Lace, as Mrs. Unger is making her stage debut as one of the little old lady aunts who poison people. |
Saturday, Oct 29 |
SU Event |
Masquerade Ball at Tucker UMC, 7-9 pm. Click on link for details. |
Oct 31 |
Founder's Day |
Juliette Gordon Low's Birthday, or Founder's Day, marks the 1860 birth of Girl Scouts of the USA founder Juliette Low in Savannah, Georgia. Juliette started the organization in 1912. |
Thursday, Nov 3 |
SU Event | Troop 2879’s Skate Night. Click on link for details. This is the troop we talked to about our trip to London, and we think this is a fund raiser for their trip. It’s a school night, but if you can support them, please do. If enough girls want to go, Mrs. Gargiullo will probably be able to help arrange transportation, but this is not an official troop event. |
Sunday, Nov 14 |
Service Hours |
FOCUS (Families of Children Under Stress) children’s fashion show. This organization works with families of children who are physically fragile or have other disabilities, and the children, their doctors, and therapists will be the models in the show. We will be helping with set-up, orientation, entertaining the children backstage, ushering, serving punch and cookies, and cleaning up. Anyone who’s in for the whole time should plan to leave by 2:00 and return home by 6:30. If the whole time will not work for you, we will be working out partial shifts. Call Mrs Gargiullo with any questions. |
Nov 4-6 |
Cobb Leader Weekend | Some of your trusty advisors will go play at Fort Yargo this weekend! |
Nov 18, |
Regular Meeting |
We drew names for Secret Santa; made plans for Empty Stocking Fund; made blueberry dump cake. Yummm. Attending: Laura, Maria, Karen, Stephanie, Brittany & Crystal |
Dec 1 |
SU Event | Carnival of Caring, Three Leaves Community Service Event. If we want to participate, we need to register by November 1st. Click the link for details. |
Dec 16, |
Empty Stocking Fund |
Volunteer in Santa’s Village then hold Court of Awards at our favorite nearby pizza place, and exchange Secret Santa gifts |
Jan 13, |
Regular Meeting |
Plans for Nicholas House, cookie sales, and cookie booths |
Jan 16, |
MLK Holiday |
Prepare Nicholas House meal, take it to the Shelter to cook, play with the children, serve the meal, and clean up |
Jan 20-Feb 5 |
Cookie Sales! |
Initial order sale. Orders due Feb 6th-8th. |
Jan 20-22 |
Some of your trusty advisors will go play at Misty Mountain this weekend! |
Jan 28 |
Crystal's Birthday |
Feb 3, |
Regular Meeting |
Plans and permission slips for camping trip later this month. |
Feb 5, |
Gold Award Workshop | Marie will take anyone who wants to go. Workshop # 10371. |
Camping Trip at Misty Mountain |
We will request one of the Council's winterproofed cabins with indoor cooking. We’ve decided that we want to start on the Photography IPP, make plushies, go for a trail ride, and do archery. |
Feb 20 |
Callie's Birthday |
Feb 20-24 | February Break | DeKalb School Holiday. Can we schedule our trip to the Police Barn during that week. Callie and Crystal need to go to finish up their Horse Sense IPP. Who else wants to go? |
Feb 22 |
World Thinking Day |
World Thinking Day celebrates the birthdays of Girl Guides/Girl Scouts founder Robert, Lord Baden-Powell (1857-1941) and World Chief Guide, Olave, Lady Baden-Powell (1889-1977). In the United States, Girl Scouting grew out of the friendship between Juliette Gordon Low and Lord Baden-Powell and his sister, Agnes, who began Girl Guiding. World Thinking Day celebrates that friendship and the sisterhood of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the globe. The day is also a time to donate funds to the Juliette Low World Friendship Fund |
March 4, or April 15 | Possible Field Trip! |
These are Saturdays when we might be able to visit Nease’s Needlework in Decatur for our Technology and Career Exploration components of the Textile Arts IPP. We are beginning to see the end of this one! Susan Nease can meet with us either of the two, and she would like to know when we want to come. Pat needs to hear from you if you would like to go on Cookie Pick-Up Day (March 4) from 2-4 in the afternoon or wait until April 15 to make this trip. Please call Pat ASAP to express your preference. |
March 4-5 |
Cookies Arrive |
March 4 – Cookie delivery day. Mrs. Unger is the Service Unit Cookie Chair, and she needs warehouse help! Dads are particularly welcome for the lifting parts of this job. On Sunday March 5th, each family needs to come by the Lott's house and pick up your cookies to deliver. Remember that Mrs. Lott will need one check per family by our March 17th meeting. The Council will not take checks your customers write. It is probably best if we don’t choose this date for our needlework shop visit unless we have to. |
March 11 | Cookie Booth | Location: Embry Hills Kroger, 1-5 PM. Mark your calendars! Everyone needs to help out! We need all girls to attend plus 2 adults. We can probably work in shifts.You’ll be glad to hear that we did sell a lot of cookies, and with the ones Mrs. Lott ordered for the cookie booth, we made our cash bonus! Hooray for all your hard work! Thanks to our college girls who helped us get over the amount where we get a larger percentage per box. Now let’s get those cookies sold at the cookie booth. |
March 12 - March 18 |
Girl Scout Week |
Girl Scout Birthday, March 12, commemorates the day in 1912 when Juliette Gordon Low officially registered the organization's first 18 girl members in Savannah, Georgia. Girl Scout Week is celebrated each March, starting with Girl Scout Sunday and ending with Girl Scout Sabbath on a Saturday, and it always includes the Girl Scout Birthday, March 12. Girl Scout Sunday and Girl Scout Sabbath give girls an opportunity to attend their place of worship and be recognized as a Girl Scout. If a place of worship is the group sponsor, girls may perform a service, such as greeting, ushering, or doing a flag ceremony. These days can also be a time when girls explore other faiths. |
March 17, |
Regular Meeting |
We will be working on the Photography IPP. Two women photographers will be there to show us different kinds of cameras. Bring a family check to pay for your cookie order, if you haven't turned it in already. Laura, Karen, Brittany & Maria attended. |
March 22 | Jessie's Birthday |
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March 25 | CPR Saturday |
We want to volunteer and to certify or re-certify, and we’ll count on Mr. Callaway, who is teaching, to help us get signed up. Mrs. Gargiullo can’t come because she will be at the 20-year Girl Scout luncheon at Timber Ridge. Cool! Now all your Advisors are 20+ year Girl Scouts. |
April 3-7 | Spring Break | School Holiday |
Friday April 14, Regular Meeting at Karen's house |
Re-registration Night! Please bring a parent so they can sign your form & pay $10/girl registration plus your Family Partnership contribution ($40/family is our goal). For the first time, the council will take credit cards for this. (Cash & checks are still OK, too.) Natural dyed pillow top fashion show or crafts time. Pat will bring pillow forms for whomever needs one. Karen and friends present on famous women photographers, and we make plans to see if we can finish up our Photography IPP. We will need to decide when and how to hold our Court of Awards. |
Sunday April 30, |
Service Unit Bridging Ceremony. Laura, Crystal & Callie will get their 10-year pins. Diana will be awarded her Gold Award in absentia and Jessie & Karen will bridge to adults! We may decide to photograph the event as our Service Project for the Photography IPP. Note: Our troop has been asked to bring a cheese tray. | |
Saturday May 6 | Field Trip! |
Field Trip! Visit Nease’s Needlework in Decatur. Susan Nease will help us finish up our Textile Arts IPP. Please let Mrs. Gargiullo know if you will arrive at the shop under your own power or if you need a ride. Expect a severe case of the "I wants" when you see all the beautiful yarns and projects in the store. Decide ahead of time if you want to bring money or not. |
May 7 | Franklin Graduation | Hooray for Jessie! |
Wednesday, |
Court of Awards and Final Meeting of the Year - 'Pick Your Own Theme' covered dish supper at the Callaways’. We’re taking our chances by not planning anything, and we’ll eat whatever we choose to bring. Pat will be sure to have plenty of iced tea, water, and diet ginger ale. Awards and recognitions will be given out, so if you need to finish something, try to be finished, and tell Pat so she can make sure she’s bought your pin or patch. All our college girls who get home in time are heartily invited to join us. | |
To Be Scheduled |
UGA Vet School troop visit Atlanta Police Barn visit for Callie and Crystal |
May 16 |
Brittany's Birthday |
May 24 |
Laura's Birthday |
May 27 | LHS Graduation | Hooray for Karen! |
July 2 |
Karen's Birthday |