NGC 6441
in Scorpius
Mag 7.15     Classification:    
Size 9.6'   Estimate: III
Distance 38,000 LY   Actual: III
NGC 6441 inverted
(Click to enlarge)
Bright star to the cluster's right is double star HR6630.
NGC 6441
(Click to enlarge)

Bright star to the cluster's right is double star HR6630  
Date/Time 08/16/2017  13:06:32 UTC Image Size 42.3 x 28.2 arcmin
Observatory Dubbo Orientation North is up, East is left
Location -32.2936281,148.5833049 
Dubbo, NSW, Australia    
Image Center 17h 50m 08.228s,
-37° 03' 43.752"
Interface Remote:   # of images 1
Telescope 17" Planewave CDK f/6.8 Exposure 60 seconds
Camera SBIG 11000 Filters Luminance
Pixel Scale 1.27 arcsec/pixel Processing Logrithmic stretch in FITS Liberator
Binning 2x2 Astrometry