Cadette Girl Scout Troop 4715

August 28, 1999

Camping Trip to the Treehouses at Camp Concharty: September 3-5, 1999

We have been able to reserve the Treehouses Unit at Camp Concharty for our beginning a new year and a new troop get-together, planning session, canoeing (if we can hire the necessary lifeguard and canoe instructor) and messy crafts trip. We hope that all the girls will be able to participate as we make our plans for the year.

The girls want to save all their cookie money this year for a big trip when they become seniors. What that means is that the expense of trips like this will not come out of troop funds. We expect the cost for this trip to be about $20 per girl, which will include food, reservation fees, a troop t-shirt, and craft materials for the Paperworks Interest Project. We estimate the per girl cost to be $20.00. In addition, girls will need money for fast food on the way home.

We plan to leave from the upper parking lot of St. Bede's at 9:15 a.m. on Saturday, September 3. Please arrive no later than 9:00 to take care of paperwork. Please bring the permission slip, filled out and signed, when you arrive on Saturday. Our contact parent will be Janet Kennedy during the weekend. We plan to return to St. Bede's about 2:00 p.m. on Monday, September 5, and will call Janet if there is any change in plans. She will call you if there is time or meet you in the parking lot to tell you about any change of plans.

Please remember that all medicines and dosage instructions must be put in charge of the Troop First Aider before we leave St. Bede's on Saturday. The Troop First Aider will be either Audrey Gargiullo, Marie Lott, Yvonne Law, or Beth Unger. If girls bring food on the trip, we ask that it be stored in the kitchen area, but we'd much rather they don't bring it.

Things to Bring on a Camping Trip: Bandanna, raingear, clothing and personal items, extra shoes and socks (sandles are not good), pillow, flashlight and extra batteries, mess kit, silverware, and dunk bag. Questions? Call frequent campers like Pat Callaway, Audrey Gargiullo, Yvonne Law, Marie Lott, Beth Unger,or Phyllis Washington Also for our supply box each girl will please bring one package of markers and 2 pencils.

Personal items may include washcloth and small towel, soap, hand cream, nail brush (highly recommended), toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, eyeglass case (highly recommended), hairbrush, and sanitary pads. Try to keep it simple. A Girl Scout trip is not a slumber party where you can try out all your latest make-up and gadget finds. Please do not wear or bring scented things like perfume or hairspray that attract insects. When we are tent camping, aerosol products must never be used in or near tents because they ruin the waterproofing. Your fearless troop leaders think that bringing electronic games and sound equipment is rather defeating the purpose of going camping, so please don't bring them.

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