Cadette Girl Scout Troop 4715

November 15, 1999

Next Meeting: Friday, November 19 at St. Bede's 7-9:30 p.m.

We will have a busy time Friday night planning our Misty Mountain campout in March and getting all the paperwork done for it. We will have guests Steve and Jennifer Perry, who are both Human Resources professionals (one for UPS and one for Motorola), and who will help us finish a Career exploration activity from the Computers in Everyday Life Interest Project. Girls, please bring your Silver Award Notebook to know whether you need this activity for your Dreams to Reality patch or for that IPP if you are interested in working on it.

We'll do our planning from 7-8. Mr. and Mrs. Perry will be with us from 8-8:45. Christina G., Evelyn, and Anne need to be packed to head for Misty Mountain at 9:00. There will be a carpool to the Wider Op Weekend leaving St. Bede's at 9:00. The rest of the troop will finish up Misty Mountain planning, clean up, play games and get picked up half an hour early just this once.

Our sponsoring organization, St. Bede's, is once again preparing Thanksgiving baskets for residents of Cabbagetown and Baby Jesus baskets for new moms at Grady. Anyone who wishes to contribute to the Cabbagetown baskets, please bring something from the list below to our Friday meeting. Tables will be set up in the Commons for your contributions.

canned string beans cake mix
canned corn cornbread mix
canned English peas stuffing mix
cranberry sauce rice


Paperworks Interest Project

This has turned out to be a great IPP. Hooray for Mrs. Lott for spotting it. Nicole, Diana, and Anne had a great time doing decoupage with their twelve Brownies in Mrs. Holbrook's troop last Thursday. Elizabeth, Rossie, and Evelyn taught papercutting for luminarias to Mrs. Jennings' troop on Sunday. Tip for those of you who'll be next to lead a paper crafts activity: Plan a game or story that you can teach or tell in case you have more time than activity!

We are nearly finished with the IPP, so it's time to start thinking about the next one. Who has an idea? Meanwhile, all we have left is our trip to the paper museum at Georgia Tech. Mrs. Unger is working on figuring out how to schedule it.


Equestrian Interest Group

Those of you who have been hearing about Chandler and Anne's adventures at Misty Mountain and Pine Acres as volunteers for the Girl Scout Equestrian Program, it's finally your turn. If you're interested and 13 years old, you need to get in touch with Laurel Martin, the Pine Acres Director, at 404-614-7326, mailbox 7222 (just follow the voice mail instructions to leave a message). The training for volunteers will be next March, and you'll need to apply in January or February. Don't hesitate to apply because you think you can't get there. Carpools happen!

Also, whether or not you're interested in volunteering, an Equestrian Interest Group is forming. Call Laurel and find out when it will meet and what activities are planned. By the way, Laurel really likes to hear directly from the girls, not the moms.


December Schedule

There are a number of activities and registration deadlines in December as well as opportunities to participate in service projects.

December 1 Mail date for spring troop camping applications. Paperwork must be completed and signed by our SUD and mailed on or after this date. "On" is the operative word here. We're always gotten the camping dates we want by strictly observing the deadlines.
December 3 Father-Daughter Dance (or possible December meeting date). The girls want to have a Secret Santa meeting in December, so we will draw names at our meeting this Friday and try to nail down a meeting date. This one would probably be best except for the conflict with the dance. If we're meeting, bring baby things for the Baby Jesus Basket.
December 4 SciTrek Cadette Challenge. Evelyn & Christina are going. Anyone else?
December 15 Deadline to register for Etiquette and Manners Workshop (January 22) $35 per girl.
December 16 Deadline to register for the Program Aide Weekend on Songs and Games (January 21-23). Girls will probably choose to participate in either this Songs and Games weekend or the February Program Aide Weekend on Creative Crafts ( February 4-6; registration deadline Jan. 10th). $25 per girl.
December 17 Another possibility for December meeting and/or for trip to Georgia Tech paper museum. Remember the baby things for the Baby Jesus Basket.
December 19 Orienteering Meet at Sweetwater Creek
January 7 January meeting: St. Bede's 7-10 p.m. - Court of Awards and going out for dessert

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