Cadette Girl Scout Troop 4715
March 18, 2000
April 1 | Cadette and Senior Planning Board applications for next year are due. Call the Council Office (404-527-7500) if you're interested. |
April 15-16 | CASE Camporee, Misty Mountain. The council will be sending out information packets to those girls who registered in January. |
May 7 | Zoo Patch Trip to the Zoo |
May 19 | Regular Meeting 7-10 p.m. at St. Bede's Important Silver Award Project Planning Guest: Debbie Pompey, Council Junior Specialist |
We will meet with Debbie Pompey, Junior Specialist from the Council Office, at our next regular meeting on May 19. She is in charge of redesigning the current Zoo Patch to include the Pandas, and she is our contact for a Panda Badge. We may want to take charge of the redesign of the Zoo Patch for our project if we decide that doing Our Council's Own Panda Badge is too hard. This will be an important meeting that girls should not miss. |
The girls decided that the first step we need to take is to earn the current Zoo Patch. There may be a chance that we will get to do so in the company of a Junior Troop, which would allow us to do some research on how younger girls react to the present Patch. Whether we're by ourselves or not, the date is May 7. Anne has agreed to research our using the Zoo Library for our meeting and our being able to take advantage of the Golden Lion Tamarind project
At the girl and parent meeting last night we were able to reach some tentative conclusions about a big trip when we are seniors. Such a trip would probably be in the spring of our current eighth graders' senior year in high school, possibly at spring break, or in the summer just after it. We have considered Our Cabaņa in Mexico, Our Chalet in Switzerland, and Pax Lodge in London. Several committees are working on different aspects of each trip.
We will also consider some sightseeing or camping in addition to our time at the Girl Scout Center. Suggestions include touring in Mexico, or camping at a Girl Guide Camp in Wales or Finland.
We concluded that we would like to try for such a trip, but we will not fund it by troop fund raising projects. Each girl will decide with her parents how much of the cost her parents will provide and how much she will earn herself. We will do some troop fund raisers, but no more than two per year. We will have to have fund raisers approved by the Council, and we must participate in both the cookie sale and the calendar sale any year that we do our own fund raising.
We expect that the cost estimate that we made at Misty Mountain are low. Probably we need to set a goal of $3000 per girl or adult. Things we need to decide or find out are whether we want to use a travel agent and what kind of help the Council Office can give us. Probably we need a committee to work with the Council Office.
The parents, especially the leader/advisor parents, feel strongly that this trip will mean much more to the girls if the girls plan it and carry it out. We are all here to help, but we want the girls to take charge of this project. That means that when a girl is on a committee, she doesn't just wait for somebody else to call her up and tell her when the committee is getting together. It is each girl's responsibility to make this work.
The committee to study the possibility of a summer fund raiser by determining if there is a time during the summer when we can get together to do one:
Christina G., Stephanie, Nicole, & Afua
The committee to explore the possibility of selling a product, especially one that we can create and/or make ourselves:
Katie, Diana, Evelyn, Aisha, Elizabeth, Nicole, Christina, & Stephanie
We also need a lot of information about where we want to go. Four girls have volunteered (or in the case of Evelyn and Anne, been volunteered by Pat) to research the Girl Scout centers. They could use some help. Any girl who would like to help out can call one of these girls and help them become a committee.
For Our Cabaņa: Evelyn, Anne
For Our Chalet: Christina G.
For Pax Lodge: Afua
Summer Planning
Please email your summer schedule, indicating when you will NOT be able to get together with the troop, to Audrey & Christina. To help us in planning a summer troop fund raiser or get-together, Audrey & Christina are compiling a chart showing when everybody is out of town, tied up with camps or volunteer work, or otherwise unavailable.