Laura won the Fastest Crochet Contest!
We knew she’d do it! She also came in second in the fastest knitting contest. We hope Michaels was impressed! Jessie tried to get there to cheer Laura on, but the cont
est was over (fastest, you understand) before she got in the door. See Laura's own crochet site atCookie Orders Due
Marie Lott needs everyone’s cookie orders now so that she can place our troop order. You don’t have to stop selling, and the troop will order extra cookies for our cookie booth so that we can get you more if you need them later, BUT you only get "Cookie Genius" credit for cookies on Mrs. Lott’s initial order. Sometimes it’s a good idea to round up to the next case for your order. If you have leftovers, we can sell those at the cookie booth, too. Hurray for Christina, Katie & Liz, who have each already sold over 30 boxes up at Grinnell, Centre & Furman!
We’re going to Misty Mountain! Part Two
The head count is a little wobbly. Marie and Tim Lott are coming up on Saturday morning so that we can try out the new telescope Saturday night. Callie is coming if the basketball team is eliminated from the tournament in time. Anne is planning to come over from Berry sometime, and Jessie is driving herself up Friday night after work. We have explained carefully that although Anne and Jessie may drive themselves to camp, neither may drive another Girl Scout at any time during the trip. The maximum is 6 girls and 5 adults, and the minimum is 4 girls and 2 adults. We have 6 girl horseback riders (including Callie and Jessie) for the trail ride and 1 adult. Archery is 5 girls, no adults.
At our last meeting (2/3/06) we decided on the following menu
Friday dinner and Sunday lunch will be fast food for Mrs. Gargiullo’s car (Crystal, Callie, Laura, and Brittany). Please bring appropriate cash.
Breakfast Saturday and Sunday – Same as always: cereal, bagels, cream cheese, milk, and fruit. We do NOT need any cocoa or cider, since we actually went through all our gear and found that we have plenty. Anyone who wants tea should bring her own kind to share.
Lunch on Saturday – sandwiches of ham and/or turkey lunch meat, bread, mayo, and mustard; fruit (Gala apples are particularly requested); minestrone soup, chips, and lemonade.
Dinner on Saturday – chicken nuggets or strips, crunchy Asian slaw, honey mustard and BBQ sauce with lemonade. Pat will bring a mac and cheese and brownie mix.
What we’ll be doing and what we’ll need to bring to do it
Plushie making: Pat and Audrey will bring sewing machines, iron, ironing board, freezer paper, patterns and some fabric. Girls who wish to bring their own fabric should bring about ½ yard. Girls who wish to bring their own patterns should do any enlarging before arriving at camp.
Photography: Karen, Brittany, and Laura have a research assignment about women photographers to present during the camping trip. We do not think that girls need to bring cameras, unless they just want to do so.
Horseback riding: Be sure to bring long pants and shoes with a ½" heel for the trail ride. Some boots are available at the barn, but in odd sizes. If the weather is cold, girls will really want a warm jacket and gloves. Hats won’t work under the helmets, but scarves are good in the breeze.
Archery: You may bring your own bow if you have one, but it must stay in the leaders’ room until we go to archery.
Jessie has suggested an activity that really sounds like fun. Google "geocache" and see what you think of the website. We think we may hike in The Pocket, which is public land outside the Girl Scout camp and try to place – or maybe find – some geocaches.
Today is a record two newsletters in one day. I’ve attached the first one in case you need it. It won’t get posted on the web because it has too many specifics about us and about Misty Mountain.
Things Coming Up
We have a number of things coming up. Here’s the list to refresh your memories.
Feb 10 |
Camping Trip at Misty Mountain |
We will request one of the Council's winterproofed cabins with indoor cooking. We’ve decided that we want to start on the Photography IPP, make plushies, go for a trail ride, and do archery. |
Feb 20 |
Callie's Birthday |
Feb 20-24 | February Break | DeKalb School Holiday |
Feb 22 |
World Thinking Day |
World Thinking Day celebrates the birthdays of Girl Guides/Girl Scouts founder Robert, Lord Baden-Powell (1857-1941) and World Chief Guide, Olave, Lady Baden-Powell (1889-1977). In the United States, Girl Scouting grew out of the friendship between Juliette Gordon Low and Lord Baden-Powell and his sister, Agnes, who began Girl Guiding. World Thinking Day celebrates that friendship and the sisterhood of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the globe. The day is also a time to donate funds to the Juliette Low World Friendship Fund |
February 25, March 4, or April 15 | Field Trip! |
These are Saturdays when we might be able to visit Nease’s Needlework in Decatur for our Technology and Career Exploration components of the Textile Arts IPP. We are beginning to see the end of this one! |
March 4-5? |
Cookies Arrive |
Probable weekend for cookie delivery & pick up March 4 – Cookie delivery day. Mrs. Unger is the Service Unit Cookie Chair, and she needs warehouse help! Dads are particularly welcome for the lifting parts of this job. Around noon Mrs. Lott will pick up our troop order, and she can probably use some help to get our cookies to her house and sorted by family. On Sunday March 5th, each family needs to come by and pick up your cookies to deliver. Remember that Mrs. Lott will need one check per family. The Council will not take checks your customers write. It is probably best if we don’t choose this date for our needlework shop visit unless we have to. |
March 11 | Cookie Booth | Location: Embry Hills Kroger, 1-5 PM. Mark your calendars! Everyone needs to help out! We need all girls to attend plus 2 adults. We can probably work in shifts. |
Mar. 12 - Mar. 18 |
Girl Scout Week |
Girl Scout Birthday, March 12, commemorates the day in 1912 when Juliette Gordon Low officially registered the organization's first 18 girl members in Savannah, Georgia. Girl Scout Week is celebrated each March, starting with Girl Scout Sunday and ending with Girl Scout Sabbath on a Saturday, and it always includes the Girl Scout Birthday, March 12. Girl Scout Sunday and Girl Scout Sabbath give girls an opportunity to attend their place of worship and be recognized as a Girl Scout. If a place of worship is the group sponsor, girls may perform a service, such as greeting, ushering, or doing a flag ceremony. These days can also be a time when girls explore other faiths. |
March 17, |
Regular Meeting |
Plans and permission slips for trip to the Apirl 8th UGA Vet School Open House |
March 22 | Jessie's Birthday |
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March 25 | CPR Saturday |
We want to volunteer and to certify or re-certify, and we’ll count on Mr. Callaway, who is teaching, to help us get signed up. Mrs. Gargiullo can’t come because she will be at the 20-year Girl Scout luncheon at Timber Ridge. Cool! Now all your Advisors are 20+ year Girl Scouts. |
April 3-7 | Spring Break | DeKalb School Holiday |
April 8 | UGA Vet School Open House |
Probably the date of the UGA Vet School Open House. Several girls want to go, and Mrs. Unger thinks she can take them. We also want to investigate the possibility of a special tour just for us on another date. |
April 14 |
Regular Meeting |
May ? |
Bridging Ceremony |
Since we’re not planning it, we don’t have the date yet. Karen & Jessie will be bridging to Adult. Diana will probably be honored in absentia for her Gold Award. |
View past newsletters | GS Troop 4715 home page |