
View our calendar list of events proposed for the upcoming year.

Our Camping Trip Confirmation is here!

We have been confirmed in the Honeysuckle Tent Unit at Camp Meriwether for November 10-12.  That is not the weekend that we had requested, but I think it is the best one we can get, especially if we want tents.  Usually the weather is fine although chilly at night, so we will need to make sure that everyone has an appropriate sleeping bag.  Let’s make sure that the dates work for everyone at our next meeting.  We will not be able to have instructor-led activities, including horseback riding November 10-12, so we may need to rethink tents.

Updated Health Form needed

We have to have a current health form before we can take you anywhere.  Remember, your health form must be signed by a parent.  Mrs. Lott has created a health form ()that you can download, fill out on your computer and save.  Next year all you will have to do is update it.  Please print out a filled out copy, have a parent sign & date it, and bring it to the meeting. 

Next meeting Friday, September 15, 7-10 p.m.

It will be a busy night, so please arrive by 7:30 (socializing from 7:00 to 7:30).  We will have some business to take care of -- updating health forms and a few other beginning of the year goodies.  We will have a lot to do to plan our camping trip.  Sally Harrell, who is a social worker and had several terms as a State Representative from this neighborhood, will visit us from 8:00 until 9:00 to do a career exploration interview.  Try to think of the things you would like to ask someone in her profession.  From 9:00 until 10:00 Laura needs our time for a group activity for a Focus Book.  Busy, busy, busy!

Thanks to Brittany and Maria

Maria is working on a CD of photos documenting our bear project from sewing machines at Camp Misty Mountain to delivery at the firehouse.  We want to pass that along to our Council for their good uses.  Brittany has taken over from Karen who was not quite finished with the CD of photos from the Bridging Ceremony last May.  That one goes to our Service Unit Director for distribution to the troops who participated.  We all need to thank Maria, Brittany, and Karen for doing Girl Scout homework.

Philanthropy and other topics

We have had some ideas from Callie and Maria about making donations from our hard earned cookie money.  We need to plan what we want to spend and how we want to spend it.  Camping trips can cost $300 to $400 when we stay in cabins, but tent units are considerably cheaper.  Other activities have costs, too.  It’s the troop’s money, and the troop must decide how we spend it.

Our 2006-2007 calendar list of events

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