
View our calendar list of events proposed for the upcoming year.

Cookie Booth next Sunday 1-4 p.m.

We are all set up to sell cookies March 11 at the Embry Hills Kroger.  Since there are only six girls, we will need for you to plan to be there pretty much the whole time.  Remember that you can still sell cookies even after they arrive, and we can get more if you need them.

Red Cross CPR Course on Saturday April 14, 9:30 until 2:30

Mr. Callaway will teach us Adult and Child CPR on Saturday, April 14.  We decided to use troop funds for the six girls.  Adults who wish to recertify will pay their own fee.  Mr. Callaway will have full gear (manikins, printed material, and everything) at the Callaway’s where we’ll all get down on Anne’s carpet.  We decided to meet at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, April 14 and do the course in about five hours so that those of us who need to get to afternoon commitments can do so.  Mrs. Callaway will make sure we don’t starve.

Next Meeting Friday, March 16, 7-10 p.m.

At our next meeting we will need to get to work on other parts of the Emergency Preparedness IPP, work on our quilting project, and start thinking about Bridging and trips.  We also need to see what we can do to help Maria with her fund raising.

Good Camping Trip

Our trip to Pine Acres succeeded in giving everyone some down time, some horseback riding, archery, quilting, and good cooking.  Brittany was taken ill, but bounced back quickly once she was home.  Candra rode her first horse.  Maria is planning to raise funds by working on Try-Its with Brownie troops.  Pat was very sad not to be able to go; it’s her first missed camping trip in 16 years.   We haven’t heard from Crystal yet about how things went at Misty Mountain, but we bet everything was great.

Upcoming Dates

Sunday, Mar 4, 3-5PM Pick up cookies at the Lotts'
Sunday, Mar 11 Cookie Booth at Embry Hills Kroger 1-4 p.m.
Friday, Mar 16 Regular meeting at the Callaways’ from 7-10 p.m.
Saturday, April 14 Red Cross CPR Course – 9:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. at the Callaways'
Friday, April 20 Regular meeting at the Callaways’ from 7-10 p.m.


Our 2006-2007 calendar list of events

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