The Year in Review 1998-1999
Cadette Girl Scout Troop 4715
DeKalb County, GA
August 1998
After bridging by swimming across Jennifer Kim's pool, we began our year with fifteen members and a trip to Tsali Campground in North Carolina. The FBI still hasn't caught Eric Rudolph, and we didn't see him either, but we had a great time rafting down the Nantahalla River, seeing Unto These Hills and the Cherokee Indian Village, shopping seriously, and getting one more chance to see former member Karoliina Korkeila. We had already lost Alice and Sheila Harvey, and we knew that we would probably lose a number of the girls who were entering middle school, and that made it a little sad, but we still had a great time.
September 1998
We started out with a new meeting schedule and a new and heroic co-leader. Mrs. Lott not only agreed to help lead, but did the monthly parent meeting, was cookie mom, and took both leader training and outdoor training. At our first meeting we had three new members, Nicole, ShaRhonda and Sharday, and we began the Cadette Challenge to be the best women and the best Girl Scouts we can be.
October 1998
We finally made it to our long hoped for chance to stay in the treehouses at Camp Concharty. We had a great time doing crafts, hiking, and visiting The Little White House. Sadly, the ranger let everybody down, and two of our new members and their mom never made it to camp. We didn't find out about all this until we got home, but soon thereafter the camp had a new ranger.
November 1998
We worked really hard on our Cadette Challenge at the meeting. It was nearly like school! We went to the Renaissance Festival and climbed the wall, making many of us want to climb everything else we could find. Diana and Anne helped St. Bede's with the Thanksgiving baskets for Emmaus House, and Rossie and Chandler nearly made it in time to help. The Father-Daughter Dance was when we contributed juice for Meals on Wheels and books for the California school district that really needs them.
December 1998
Nearly everyone got to attend the GAOC O-Meet at Sweetwater Creek State Park. We didn't set any records for speed, but we began to feel more confident about this map and compass stuff. We had our Court of Awards at Athens Pizza and filled a Moses Basket with baby things for a new mom at Grady. To get one more good deed in before Christmas, we wrapped gifts for the residents of My Sister's House in south Atlanta.
January 1999
We've cooked dinner for the residents of Nicholas House at St. Bartholomew's Church for four years in a row now. Since we love to cook, it's a really fun service project. We had a really super meeting with Chandler and Rossie's aunt doing a skin care and make-up workshop for us. Where was the camera when the entire troop had green facial masques on? We made our plans for cookie booths and decided how many cookies we wanted to buy.
February 1999
Our annual Misty Mountain camping, crafting, horseback riding trip was so beautiful in the Fishing Village cottages. We had beautiful weather, especially for stargazing. The conjunction of three planets was actually reflected in the lake! We also learned exactly how Ranger Lamotte feels about graffiti. At our craft times we had lots to do to get ready for Thinking Day. Our service unit had planned a Native American program, and we were in charge of games. We made neat swaps of beads and feathers, and the actual day was really as much fun as getting ready for it. Nine out of nine girls are really good at leading activities for younger girls.
March 1999
It always seems that those cookie booths are going to kill us, and then they turn out to be successful and pretty much fun! The Silver Award Workshop hit a new low for incredibly boring things, but having the Senior Troop train us for the National Science Partnership at SciTrek was really fun. The consensus was that the Seniors are seriously cool. Some girls made it to another O-Meet, but March was the all time busy month.
April 1999
We had the most complicated schedule ever for our camp out. We met on Friday night at St. Bede's to get ready to put on a string-o event for Mrs. Jenning's Brownie Troop. We had thought that we would do it at Timber Ridge and would not be able to spend the night, but (Council Surprise) we ended up doing the Climbing Wall at Timber Ridge and then staying overnight at Falcon's Roost at Scout Haven, where we want to go again. The Brownies were just so adorable that we wanted to keep them, and they said that we gave them the "funnest day ever"
May 1999
All of a sudden we were at the end of the year. It was time actually to do our day at SciTrek, and we wondered how it would be helping Juniors earn their Science Sleuth Badge... The answer was lots of work, but lots of fun. We did our cookie tasting party for the Y-Program at HMES. We all started school there, and after yesterday, none of us will be there. We finally got all our toiletries collected, wrapped, and delivered to Working Wardrobe. We gave up a planned O-Meet to attend the DeKalb Cluster Awards Program, not our best choice, although it was fun to see how startled Pat was when she received a surprise Outstanding Leader Award, and then suddenly it was time for Graduation and Court of Awards.