Mountain Magic Leader Weekend

January 19-21, 2007

Updated 08/19/2011


Registration /Admin

Receive registration, post classes, and send out confirmations. Assign sleeping quarters. Prepare class evaluation forms and instructor evaluation forms for inclusion in registration packets. Establish weekend budget. Produce registration flyer and prepare SU packets for Cluster meetings.


Make up and mail registration packets for check-in; staff check-in stations Friday night for weekend campers and Saturday morning for day-only attendees (collect class fees, collect health history forms). Requires early arrival at camp!


Pick up keys/radios from Ranger and unlock all units, turn on AC/Heat as needed. Confirm units in working order. Post directional signs at camp, post signs in units for Cabin name/beds, make and post kaper charts in units (participants to sign up for kapers on arrival). Turn on Misty Mountain sign lighting. Requires early arrival at camp!

Participant Check-Out

Make up check-out packages, including class completion certificates & patches. Collect evaluations. Staff check-out Saturday evening and Sunday AM. Requires late departure from camp!

Unit Check-Out

Check units for kaper completions. Check out unit with Ranger and turn over keys/radios. Requires late departure from camp!


Plan and oversee Friday and Saturday evening activities. Prepare opening and closing ceremonies for the weekend.


Decorate dining room with theme for weekend. Come up with swap and swap necklace for check-in packet; design/order patches. Requires early arrival at camp!


Handle snacks for Friday/Saturday evening; set up for snack; work with Misty Mountain staff to plan meals in dining hall.

Workshops/ Trainers

Select workshops and trainers for weekend events. Obtain class confirmation info including list of supplies (equipment, materials, etc.) required from instructors.

Door Prizes / Gifts / Photography

Collect donations for weekend door prizes; get trainer gifts; take/collect photos of weekend & classes.

First Aid Team

Establish First Aid team for weekend. Develop emergency procedures and first aid materials. Staff health history table at check-in Friday night and Saturday morning and maintain health forms throughout weekend. Provide first aid as necessary throughout the weekend.


Produce informational flyer for distribution at SU meetings. Assist with stuffing registration packets for SU distribution in October. Attend Cluster meetings to promote event.

Website Establish and maintain website; investigate on-line registration.