Mountain Magic Weekend 2007


August 24, 2006 - 7:00 – 9:00 PM

Welcome and Introductions – In attendance were Lianne Griffin, Terry Otto, Marie Lott, Gail Quinteros, Laurie Hackworth, Jeanne Andres, Shannon Glapion and Cris Agustin.

Registration/Admin - The team discussed finalizing classes and the upcoming registration flyers. We determined that in order to meet our deadline of having registration flyers at the October cluster meetings, we need to have all of the artwork completed by 9/14 (see above – yeah!!). We also need the class forms completed and to Lianne by 9/14. Lianne is to complete the registration forms by 9/16, and the team will proofread on 9/17. We’ll make copies 9/18 – 9/21 and have a "stuffing" party at the VSC on 9/21 at 7:30 PM. Lianne advised that she won’t be able to make 9/21, but the rest of the team found that this was the most convenient date. October cluster meetings are as follows: 9/25, 9/26 and 10/3. One additional class we wanted to include is a workout class – Lianne to pursue.

Items we need to include on the registration form: indicate vegetarian/special dietary needs; take a virtual tour of MM (linked from our website); cabin and bed choices.

Items we need to include in the participant confirmation packets: information about swaps (what they are, how many to make, etc.)

Participant check in – Shannon found folders at Staples for $.01 each! She has purchased 175 for <$2! This is the find of the century! **UPDATE** Frances found 194 folders for the price of $3, too, so we should be good to go with the folders!

Set-Up – add Jackie Smith to the committee.

Entertainment – We discussed having some various award categories. Certificates would be awarded throughout the weekend. Everyone liked the idea. Terry to come up with some ideas and share at the next meeting. We’ll offer a movie on Saturday night, but not on Friday too. Terry is coming up with some get acquainted games for Friday and we’ll have a designated "swap corner" for those interested in swapping. Need to include swap info sheet with confirmation packets and post to our website.

Decorations – no update this month.

Meals/Snacks – we’ll need to post the final menu to the website. This will allow people with special dietary needs to adjust if needed.

Workshops/Trainers – Many classes are confirmed, but we still need class info forms from most classes. Gail is to email Jeanne the final class list. Jeanne will fill out the council workshop request forms. (**UPDATE** Or is Laurie doing this?) Lianne to follow up with Jeanie Murrell (Mary Kay facials lady), Sue Nunn (knots & strings) and Jill Allison regarding the camp classes (horses, archery, etc.). We need to ask instructors to email (or US Mail) a photo of the finished product offered in their class to be posted to the web.

Door Prizes/Gifts – no update.

First Aid - We discussed providing earplugs (the inexpensive, disposable kind) in the check-in packets. We’ll ask Marsha if she can get these donated (maybe from the folks who provided the first aid kit?)

Website – Marie has posted a link to take a virtual tour of MM. She would also like to post (along with the class description) photos of what the participants will make in their class. Need instructors to supply this, if possible. Marie can also post photos from last year’s event (email Marie if you have any). Marie reported that any planning committee info posted to the website ( can be accessed by the planning committee using the username _____ and the password _____. (Ask at the next meeting or email Liane or Marie if you've forgotten.)..

Our next regular committee meeting will be on Sept. 28th at 7:00 PM at the VSC. The committee meeting was concluded at 9:15 PM.