Mountain Magic Weekend 2007


Sept. 28, 2006- 7:00 – 9:00 PM

Welcome and Introductions – In attendance were Lianne Griffin, Terry Otto, Marie Lott, Laurie Hackworth, Marsha Sussman, Shannon Glapion and Frances Parks.

Registration/Admin - The team reviewed "draft 4" of the registration flyers and made minor modifications. We also reviewed the class schedule to ensure that we didn’t have any instructors double-booked and that all classes indeed had been assigned a time slot. Lianne has 2 classes to double check and will get changes made ASAP. We only had to cancel one class due to no class info (Knitting – Cynthia Reid did not respond). The plan is to have corrections made and a FINAL flyer ready to go tomorrow. Lianne will email the registration package to the team; Marsha and Shannon will get as many copies made as they can and have them ready (drop off in the pick-up room?) this weekend so stuffing can begin on Monday. Lianne and Laurie will stuff Monday, but we still need to know how many troops there are in each SU. Lianne has been trying to get this from Jeanne, but Jeanne doesn’t have complete numbers yet. Lianne to email Bebe and ask for assistance. We need the SU list and troop count Monday. If we don’t get finished with the stuffing Monday, Lianne can finish Tuesday after her New Leader Training Tuesday morning. We should have the packets ready to go by Tuesday for the DeKalb Cluster meeting. Jeanne is going to a lot of the SU meetings in Newton/Rockdale/Clayton and hopefully can take their flyers to them since we missed their cluster on 9/25 and 9/26.

As soon as Lianne finishes the Participant Registration packet, she will work on the instructor and planning committee packets. The plan is to email these to the instructors/planning committee this weekend.

Participant check in – Shannon found perforated nametags at work that can be "donated" to us. Lianne will bring the plastic nametag holders to the next meeting so we can see if they will fit.

Set-Up – Laurie will check with Ranger Lamont Driggers to see if camp ever got solar lights for the footpath from the parking lot to the dining hall. She will also check to see if they still have our "curtain rod" (the PVC pipe we had last year and which they are supposedly storing for us).

Entertainment – We discussed having some various award categories. Certificates would be awarded throughout the weekend. Everyone liked the idea. Terry will come up with some ideas and share at the next meeting. We agreed on the movie for Saturday night – The Cronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe. Terry has the DVD and will bring it to the weekend. Terry is also working on a get acquainted game for Friday.

Decorations – We will have a designated "swap corner" this year for those interested in swapping, beginning Friday night and running throughout the entire weekend. Frances and her committee will decorate the swap corner. Frances advised that the necklaces were coming along nicely and that the tablecloth is complete. She is considering buying 2 sheets to use as backdrops for the weekend. We decided either blue or tan would be good neutral colors that could be used every year. Frances also has light-up flowers to use for the decorations.

Meals/Snacks – Kippy was sick but sent sample menus for the committee to consider. Here is what the committee came up with:

We would like Kippy to run this by her committee (Lisa Cranwell-Bruce has offered to help with meal planning) and then confirm options/prices with Jill Allison and/or Melinda Wyatt. When we get the final menu approved, we’ll need to post it to the website. This will allow people with special dietary needs to adjust if needed.

Workshops/Trainers – We still need to fill out request forms for the council classes (even though we already have instructors lined up). These need to be sent to Mary Kottkamp so we can get them in the system. We also need to ask instructors to email (or US Mail) a photo of the finished product offered in their class to be posted to the web. These should be sent to Marie Lott. Lianne will include this request when we send the registration packet to the trainers. Lianne has photos from the Leader weekend from 2004 – 2006; she will get these to Marie as we may be able to use some of those photos for the website, too.

Door Prizes/Gifts – Cris is still collecting door prizes. She is now working on the trainers' gifts (fleece scarves) and will bring samples to next meeting for show. Lianne needs to send Cris the number of trainers we have.

First Aid - We discussed providing earplugs (the inexpensive, disposable kind) in the check-in packets. Marsha cannot get large numbers of these donated (Lianne and Frances to see if they can get some and we’ll put them in a basket at check-in rather than include in every check-in packet.)

Website – Marie has would like to post (along with the class description) photos of what the participants will make in their class. Need instructors to supply this, if possible (see note above). The planning committee info is posted to the website ( can be accessed using the username ____ and the password ____ .

Our next regular committee meeting has been changed to Oct. 19th at 7:00 PM at the VSC. The committee meeting was concluded at 10:00 PM.