Mountain Magic Weekend 2007


Oct. 19, 2006 - 7:00 – 9:00 PM

Welcome and Introductions – In attendance were Lianne Griffin, Terry Otto, Laurie Hackworth, Marsha Sussman, Shannon Glapion, Frances Parks, Barb Osment, Kathy Stephan, Cris Agustin, Jeanne Andres, Kippy Shea, and Gail Quinteros. Barb is new to the committee. She just moved back to Atlanta and hasn’t been snagged by the Service Unit or a troop yet, so we snagged her! She’s going to be a council trainer.

Registration/Admin – Registrations are coming in now. We have had a few requests for specific assistance and should have no problem fulfilling those requests. Lianne explained the change we had regarding units. Echo Hill will be unavailable to us this year as the council is performing major renovations from January through April. We have been offered the Farmhouse as an alternate, but the disadvantage to that unit is that it is all the way across camp. Council has offered to have their van available to perform a "shuttle service" between the dining hall and the Farmhouse. If we need to use the Farmhouse (for either classes only during the day – preferred – or also for sleeping arrangements at night), a council employee (Jill, Lamont, Gloria, Jeanne, or Terry) will drive the shuttle bus. Lianne, Jill, and Jeanne will work through the class locations in early January. Although this is not an ideal arrangement, it is the best that we can do. If we use the Farmhouse for classes, we will select 3 hour or all-day classes so that there is less shuttling.

Participant check in – We will be able to use the perforated nametags that were "donated" to us. Lianne will print the nametags in early January after registration closes.

Set-Up – Laurie will make the kaper charts for all of the units by our next meeting on 11/16. She will need information for the Farmhouse (how many bunks, rooms, etc.) Laurie to contact the Ranger for that info. Laurie to also make a sign for out on the road – example, "Mountain Magic Weekend just ahead" or "Mountain Magic Weekend – Turn Here." She will ask Bobby Pilgrim about making a Misty permanent sign (like the Big Chicken for Cobb Weekend). Carol Townley may have some rolls of reflective tape that can be used on the signs. Laurie to check.

Door Prizes/Gifts – Cris is still collecting door prizes and prizes for the costume contest. She brought examples of the trainers' gifts (fleece scarves). They’re wonderful!!

Check-Out – Kathy has large envelopes that we can use for check-in or check-out

Entertainment – We discussed having some various award categories. Certificates would be awarded throughout the weekend. Everyone liked the idea. Terry will come up with a list of characters for the awards and will share at the next meeting.

Decorations – Frances will get with Kimberly about making a patch design for us. Kippy will send Kimberly information on the patch guy we have used in the past (Larry). Frances also got PVC donated to make our swap corner. It will look like Cinderella’s castle, using netting and sponge painting. It will be called "Land of Swaps." Everyone loved the idea. Frances also purchased 2 blue sheets to use for our photo backdrop. Someone advised that Helen Person is a toy representative and may be able to get some donated to us. Frances to investigate.

Meals/Snacks –Kippy confirmed options/prices with Jill Allison for our meals. Price will have to go up to $7 per person per meal. We agreed that we should be able to finance the increase with money left over from last year even though it is higher than what we budgeted. We will need to ensure that we have vegetarian options at each meal. Can we identify vegetarians on nametag? Yes, per Lianne. UPDATE: The final menu has been posted to the website.

Workshops/Trainers – Lianne has photos from the Leader weekend from 2004 – 2006; she gave Marie a CD with all the photos – we may be able to use some of those photos for the website, too.

We still need to fill out request forms for the council classes (even though we already have instructors lined up). These need to be sent to Mary Kottkamp so we can get them in the system. Laurie to help with this.

First Aid – no update.

Website – Marie has would like to post (along with the class description) photos of what the participants will make in their class. Need instructors to supply this as soon as possible.

Our next regular committee meeting will be 11/16 at 7:00 PM at the VSC. We decided to change the December meeting to Tuesday 12/19. Meetings until the leader weekend are as follows:

Thursday 11/16 7:00 PM VSC

Tuesday 12/19 7:00 PM VSC

Thursday 1/4 7:00 PM VSC

Thursday 1/18 7:00 PM VSC

The committee meeting was concluded at ~ 9:30 PM.