Mountain Magic Leader Weekend

January 19-21, 2007

Updated 08/19/2011

Month Mtg Goals


2/16 Planning team kickoff! Review Lessons Learned from 2006. Set location and date and provide to council for publication in council calendar. Pick theme for 2007 based on 2006 evaluations. Reserve meeting rooms at VSC 7-9 PM for planning committee meetings in 2006 - 3/23, 4/27, 5/25, 6/22, 7/27, 8/24, 9/28, 10/26, 11/16 (third Thursday), 12/14 (third Thursday), 1/4 (first Thursday), possibly 1/18 (night before event).


3/23 Establish committee chairs and volunteers. Determine high-level budget. Plan timeline.


4/27 Invite trainers from 2006 to participate again this year; begin to secure classes and trainers; define class descriptions, supplies, and class cost needed from trainers.


5/25 {Meeting Cancelled} Begin sub-committee meetings/planning & hold kick-off meetings; continue establishing classes & trainers. Develop flyer for "save the date" reminders to SU’s and distribute at July Cluster kickoff meeting 7/17.


6/22 Finalize meal costs w/ Misty Mountain staff; develop 1st draft registration flyers; continue establishing classes/trainers. Publicity chair emails "Save the Date" flier to Terry by 7/10 for July Cluster kickoff for distribution to SUDs & Membership Specialists council-wide.


7/27 {Meeting Cancelled} Continue establishing classes/trainers. Purchase folders (usually 10/$1 during Back to School sales) if they haven't been donated.


8/24 C1asses and trainers finalized; class descriptions, supplies, and class cost needed from trainers finalized; finalize registration flyers. Entertainment committee to finalize framework for weekend events. Purchase folders (usually 10/$1 during Back to School sales) if they haven't been donated.


9/28 Registration flyers available for Oct. neighborhood meetings. Terry to confirm menu options with Jill Allison.


10/26 Online registration live. Publicity at neighborhood meetings. Finalize menus; Entertainment committee to provide details of supplies needed for confirmation letters. Registration receipts mailed within 2 weeks of registration. “Early registration” for staff/volunteers 10/31.


11/16 “Early registration” for campers by 11/20 for discount; Register campers as forms come in; registration receipt mailed within 2 weeks of registration; Council Trainer supply list finalized. First confirmation letter to class instructors with tentative class numbers on 11/27.


12/14 Register 11/20 - 12/23 +$10. Registration Cutoff 12/23. Register campers as forms come in; registration receipt mailed within 2 weeks of registration


1/4 Final class confirmations to instructors on 1/5/07; 1/5/07 confirmation letters sent to participants. Door prize donations finalized; trainer gifts purchased, all committee work finalized. SUCCESSFUL EVENT HELD!!


TBA All invoices paid, planning committee survey review, lessons learned & celebration!