Welcome and Introductions – In attendance were Lianne Griffin, Jeanne Andres, Marsha Sussman, Frances Parks, Barb Osment, Kathy Stephan, Marie Lott, Laurie Hackworth, Kippy Shea, and Gail Quinteros.
Registration/Admin – Lianne passed out charms/bracelets to 2007 planning committee members. Jeanne still needs a unicorn; Gail still needs a bracelet; Lianne has 2 fairy charms left (do these belong to Kim & Shannon?) Going forward, Lianne is going to order regular charm bracelets (instead of the cuff bracelets) as they are cheaper (and not prone to losing the screw-on ball end). Lianne will have bracelets at the next meeting for those who want to swap out. Please let Lianne know if you are missing a charm or bracelet.
Lianne asked Jeanne about the “save the date” card to be distributed at the end-of-year cluster celebration. Jeanne advised that the celebration will be next Tuesday, May 1st. Jeanne will make a flyer and print out.
Jeanne was checking with Melinda Wyatt regarding camping accommodations for our Oct. 19-21 team “retreat.” No accommodations are available any weekend in October for our group retreat; Jeanne can get us Shellcracker Cove the 2nd weekend in November. The team thought this might be late. Lianne said that Becky Harris offered her house in Ellijay for a team getaway. Lianne will contact Becky and see if she would be willing to host our group Saturday and Sunday, 10/20-10/21. Jeanne will see if she can get the council’s 15 passenger van to carpool up there.
Jeanne reported out on pricing for chartered buses (for Saturday only participants). A 47-passenger bus is currently pricing out at $21/pp (assumes 6:30 AM – 10P); Jeanne will check prices for a 33-passenger bus and 12-hour trip (depart Atlanta 6AM, arrive Misty Mountain for 8AM classes; depart MM at 4:00PM with sack dinner, arrive back in Atlanta by 6:00PM).
We reviewed the budget discussed at last month’s meeting. Fees for 2008 will be $50 early bird/$65 “late” registration. Costs are expected to be ~$51/pp for the weekend. Early bird registration will be 9/1 – 10/31; registration 11/1 – 12/15 will be the higher price.
Jeanne will check with Brad to make sure our event is listed on the council calendar.
Marie brought a “mock-up” of an initial website – It has cute tie-dye and smiley faces on it. Need to check with Kim Bowens to see how Misty artwork is coming for 2008.
There will be NO committee meeting in May. Our next regular committee meeting will be Thursday 6/28 at 7:00 PM at the VSC.
The committee meeting was concluded at 8:50 PM.