"Cabinoux" (Cabins), Lodges and S'Mores

Class Description Instructor Provides Participant Brings Min Size Max Size Class Length (Hours) Class Fee Instructor
Your party headquarters for camping. Mandatory training for troops planning an overnight experience with their girls using indoor facilities (hotels, cabins, lodges, etc.). Includes: GSGATL indoor facilities, other approved facilities, ceremonial fires, indoor and outdoor activities, health and safety, meal planning, packing and equipment.
Fire building supplies, s'mores supplies (graham crackers, chocolate bars & marshmallows), handouts Volunteer Essentials, pen & paper, water bottle, possibly camp chair and tinder and kindling (small grocery bag or two large handfuls of
1) Kindling-pencil lead size to small finger size and
2) Tender -small finger size to 2 inches in diameter).
Dress for the weather - will be outside for one hour of training
6 24 3.5 hrs $5 Amelia Denning, Dee Komro