"Easy Bake" Box Ovens

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Make a box oven to use with your troop. Learn safety issues, rules, & recipes.

Prerequisite: Platform Tents OR Firebuilding and Outdoor Cooking, 30 days prior to taking this class. (Pre-req class will be given in October at Timberidge.)
Boxes, aluminum tape, packing tape, handouts, trash bag, example box oven, charcoal, tongs, mitts. Class snack if time and weather allows. One 75 sq. foot LONG roll HEAVY DUTY aluminum foil (16.66 yds X 18 in, preferably Reynolds); box cutter with sharp blades; large scissors; personal water bottle or drink. Recipes and a box oven for you to amaze and astound your troop on camp outs! 6 15 4 hrs $15 Amelia Denning

Easy Bake Box Oven