Fascinator Flowers 

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Use recycled or new materials to create a fashionable accessory which may be worn in many different ways.
Fabric, flower center, heat-n-bond, pinbacks/hair clips, (you will use one, not both), rulers, irons, tabletop ironing boards, tacky glue, glitter glue Scissors (fabric or standard, extra iron if available), pressing towel (for small detail)

: fabric of your own choosing (quilt-weight, 20" x 10" minimum size) & a coordinating bead or button (½" diameter) for center.
Finished fabric flower which can be worn on clothes, purse, hat, or hair. 6 16 3 hrs $3 Kathy Stephan

Fascinator pin (1) Fascinator pin (2) Fascinator pin (3) Fascinator pin (4)