Fun with Yarn for all Ages

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Not a crocheting or knitting class. Learn to make several fun and easy yarn crafts suitable for many levels of Girl Scouts. All crafts are Scout tested and some have kept 30+ girls happily busy for more than an hour at a time! Yarn dolls, Drinking straw weaving, yarn pom-poms, and more as time allows. For all age levels! Drinking straws, masking tape, hair pins, printout of craft ideas Scissors and a skein of yarn. Any color yarn is great - multi color yarn provides a fun look too! "Bumpy" yarn does not work as well for these crafts. A yarn doll, a woven yarn bracelet, a pom pom hair accessory, and a list of other simple yarn crafts to try 6 15 1½ hrs Free  Jennifer Clark 

Fun with Yarn Sample 1Fun with Yarn Sample 2Fun with Yarn Sample 3