Fun with Yarn II  ("More Fun with Yarn")  New

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Not a crocheting or knitting class. An extension of the Fun with Yarn class - just as easy and fun with new ideas! (No prerequisite needed. Each class works on its own). Several easy yarn crafts include god's eyes, yarn covered hair combs, foil/yarn abstract art, and more. Paper plates, aluminum foil, craft sticks, hair combs, cardboard, masking tape Scissors, single hole punch (if you have one, don't buy one--we can share), Skein of Yarn (any color is fine, multi color is fun! "Bumpy" yarn doesn't work well for these crafts) A finished god's eye, hair comb, foil artwork, and paper plate string art as well as a printout of more fun yarn craft ideas. 6 15 1½ hrs Free Jennifer Clark

More Fun with Yarn Sample 1 More Fun with Yarn Sample 2 More Fun with Yarn Sample 3 More Fun with Yarn Sample 4