Glass Etching  New

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Etching glass, popular for years including 1950's, is a cool DIY way to recycle those generic glass vases into a special decoration. Personalize wine & drinking glasses, candle holders, plates & jars into works of art. Fun gift for all occasions. Easy to teach to older girls, only Ambassadors. One glass piece per person, etching cream, stencils, contact paper, paint pens, gloves, tape, paper towels, and metallic paint pens.
Exacto knife, cutting mat (if you have one), protective eyewear, scissors, paint brush, glass vases or other items if you want to do any additional items. Alphabet stickers with your initials. Beautiful finished etched glass items that are great for gift giving or showing your girls what great crafts that they can make themselves. 12 20 1½ hrs $8 Shelley Callico

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