Zip Line

Class Description Instructor Provides Participant Brings Participant Takes Home Min Size Max Size Class Length Activity Fee Instructor
Climb up into the high challenge and then take a ride down the zip line. This activity includes one zip per person, ground school, and a cooperative game. This activity lasts about 2-3 hours. If you are checking this activity out for your troop, it is for grades 6+.
A belay safety system is in place at all times. Climbing helmets instructions & ground school are provided for participants. All equipment provided. All participants must wear close-toed shoes and long shorts or pants. Dress for the weather. Activity fee must be pre-paid. Great feeling of accomplishment and the knowledge of whether your girls are ready for this activity based on your first hand experience. 8 16 3 hrs $30 Tori Barrett

Please note that this class is an exception to our usual "pay class fees at camp" and requires a prepaid activity fee. It is taught by the staff at Camp Misty Mountain and has a committed minimum number of participants.