Tin Can Papermaking New!

Class Description

Instructor Provides

Participant Brings

Participant Takes Home

Min Size

Max Size

Class Length

Class Fee


Participants will make one or two small sheets of recycled paper and learn to create their own papermaking kit from inexpensive items they may already have at home.

Blender, paper for recycling, additives, dishpans, tin cans, can openers, hardware cloth, screens, sponges, paper towels, iron, handout with instructions.

2 large sponges. Optional: old towel, 2 large tin cans of the same size. Also, please let the instructor know if you can bring an iron.

One or two round pieces of recycled paper (the size of a small coffee can bottom), plus hardware cloth, screens, and sponges to use to create your own papermaking kit.



1½ hrs


Kim Elmore

Tin Can Papermaking