Queen of Hearts Wreath  New

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Queen of Hearts Wreath that can be used for Valentine's Day or any day you want to be known as the Queen of Hearts. You will learn how to make a decorative wreath on a wire base. A combination of whimsy and fun will have a fun base to lift your spirits. Harlequin Ribbon, red heart ribbon, red white stitch ribbon, blue small ribbon, 3 roses, feathers, red small bows bag, wooden heart, paints, glitter, glue, red sparkle hearts, glue gun. Wreath base wire - 14", 3” Red wired ribbon with small white polka dots or plain red -- 3 yards, 3” burlap ribbon – 3 yards, black stiffened heavy felt - 2 pc 8 ½’ by 11”, deck of playing cards (dollar store - optional), florist paddle wire or wire sticks, floral tape, wire cutters, scissors, pencil. Glue gun if not wanting to share. Finished Queen of Hearts wreath with colorful, whimsical red and harlequin ribbons and feathers. Mock black hat and roses. (NOTE: will not be making shoes in picture) 10 20 1½ hrs $8 Shelley Callico


Some wreaths for inspiration: