Nighttime Fun on the Observing Deck
33°33'14.1"N, 82°45'39.8"W
Marie Lott
Sharon, GA
Master Observer #184


Active Galactic Nuclei

Arp Peculiar Galaxies (Northern)

Arp Peculiar Galaxies (Southern)


Caldwell Project

Carbon Stars 


Flat Galaxies

Galaxy Groups & Clusters

Globular Clusters

Herschels, Southern 150

Herschel II 

Local Galaxy Groups & Galactic Neighborhood 



The Roll-Off


Earthshine @ MLO


 Messiers with SeeStar 

 Near Earth Objects


 Open Clusters

 Radio Astronomy

 Solar (misc)

 Solar Eclipse 2017

 Solar Neighborhood

 Sunspotter 2023

 Two in the View

 Variable Stars (Bino)



 Dark Skies PSA

   "Losing the Dark"