Southern Herschel 400 Observing Program 
Targets #1-30

Addendum to the Astronomical League's Herschel 400 OP
(original Herschel certificate #561 earned 6/13/2016)

Marie Lott, Atlanta, GA
Updated 06/30/24 02:06 PM -0400

Target Images    #1-30 (below)    #31-60    #61-90    #91-120    #121-150 

Click on any image to view larger

Telescopes used:


ID # 1 Image Notes
Target Name NGC 134 NGC 134
Center (RA,hms): 00h 30m 25.609s
Center (Dec,dms): -33° 15' 09.357"
Size: 27.2 x 26.4 arcmin
Radius: 0.316 deg
Pixel scale: 3.67 arcsec/pixel
Orientation Up is 359.7 degrees E of N

SLOOH Chile2 20240211_0145

This galaxy has a bright stellar core with an interior bright haze surrounded by a more diffuse shell. The core appears slightly off-center (towards the back) from our perspective.The tiny galaxy to the right is NGC 131. It looks like a miniature version  of NGC134. A nice X-box of field stars catches my eye in the lower right of the field.
Alt Names  
Common Name  
Type Gal
Mag 10.3
PA ~
Class SAB(s)bc


ID # Image Notes
Target Name NGC 300 NGC 300 (Bennett 6)
Center (RA, hms): 00h 54m 55.801s
Center (Dec, dms): -37° 39' 57.491"
Size: 20.3 x 19.1 arcmin
Radius: 0.232 deg
Pixel scale: 1.46 arcsec/pixel
Orientation Up is 3.9 degrees E of N

SLOOH Chile1 20240212_0050

This nice face-on spiral has wide arms splaying out to the left and right, with a third  stubby one spreading out from the bottom. I think that the central bright dot is the core of the galaxy and not one of the several foreground field stars.There's a smudgy HII region (look for the clumpy trio) to the immediate left of the galaxy.
Alt Names  
Common Name  
Type Gal
Mag 8.1
PA 111
Class Scd


ID # 3 Image Notes
Target Name NGC 681 NGC 681
Center (RA, hms): 01h 49m 13.218s
Center (Dec, dms): -10° 27' 40.748"
Size: 31.3 x 30.6 arcmin
Radius: 0.365 deg
Pixel scale: 4.35 arcsec/pixel
Orientation Up is 359.4 degrees E of N

SLOOH Chile2 20240311_0005

This is a small spiral galaxy. Because of its size, it's hard to get much detail but it has a bright elongated core with a thin haze surrounding it. A field star sits right at the edge of the haze on the galaxy's upper right. The lovely bright star at the lower edge of the frame is X Ceti.
Alt Names  
Common Name  
Type Gal
Mag 12.0
PA 60
Class SAB(s)absp


ID # Image Notes
Target Name NGC 2573 NGC 2573
Center (RA, hms): 01h 41m 46.072s
Center (Dec, dms): -89° 20' 01.159"
Size: 16.7 x 16.7 arcmin
Radius: 0.197 deg
Pixel scale: 2.32 arcsec/pixel
Orientation Up is 6.2 degrees E of N

SLOOH Chile1 20240214_0245

"Polarissima Australis" is a small barred spiral galaxy that was given its name because it is the nearest NGC object to the southern celestial pole. It has a bright punctate core surrounded by a hazy shell which seems to be more dense on the left side than on the right.
Alt Names  
Common Name Polarissima
Type Gal
Mag 13.6
Class SABscd


ID # 5 Image Notes
Target Name NGC 1049 NGC 1049
Center (RA, hms): 02h 39m 48.727s
Center (Dec, dms): -34° 15' 33.220"
Size: 21.4 x 21.4 arcmin
Radius: 0.252 deg
Pixel scale: 1.92 arcsec/pixel
Orientation Up is 359.9 degrees E of N

SLOOH Chile2 20240307_0110

This globular cluster is so small and dense that I first thought it was a bright star. However, it is slightly out of round and has a small bit of smudginess reaching outwards on the upper left edge. A tiny field star sits atop it at almost exactly 12 o'clock. A large waft of darkness, mostly void of visible stars crosses the field from left to right just above it.
Alt Names Fornax Dwarf
Cluster 3
Common Name  
Type GC
Mag 12.6
Class ~


ID # 6 Image Notes
Target Name NGC 1073 NGC 1073
Center (RA, hms): 02h 43m 40.389s
Center (Dec, dms): +01° 22' 31.352"
Size: 15.6 x 15.6 arcmin
Radius: 0.184 deg
Pixel scale: 2.17 arcsec/pixel
Orientation Up is 4.0 degrees E of N

SLOOH Chile2 20240307_0110

A rather faint galaxy with nice bar and dim swirling arms making it look like it's spinning. The overall shape is a sharp "S" with a bright elongated core. 
Alt Names  
Common Name  
Type Gal
Mag 11.1
Class SBc II


ID # 7 Image Notes
Target Name NGC 1232 NGC 1232
Center (RA, hms): 03h 09m 46.006s
Center (Dec, dms): -20° 34' 41.102"
Size: 32 x 32 arcmin
Radius: 0.377 deg
Pixel scale: 1.91 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: Up is 359.8 degrees E of N

SLOOH Chile2 20240131_020435

This is a pretty pinwheeling spiral galaxy with several distinct arms coming off the luminous oval core. Small knots of brighter areas can be seen in some of the arms, especially evident in the arm at the top.
Alt Names  
Common Name  
Type Gal
Mag 9.8
PA 108
Class SBc


ID # 8 Image Notes
Target Name NGC 1300 NGC 1300

Center (RA, hms): 03h 19m 42.013s
Center (Dec, dms): -19° 24' 30.973"
Size: 29.3 x 29.3 arcmin
Radius: 0.345 deg
Pixel scale: 1.91 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: Up is 359.8 degrees E of N

SLOOH Chile2 20240131_020435

This is another pretty one! The galaxy has a bright rounded core with a distinct horizontal barred axis. Two arms reach straight out before sharply blowing back around the perimeter and fading into wisps. Two linear strings of 5-6 field stars add interest to the field.
Alt Names  
Common Name  
Type Gal
Mag 10.5
PA 106
Class SBb I


ID # Image Notes
Target Name NGC 1350 NGC 1350
Center (RA, hms): 03h 31m 08.378s
Center (Dec, dms): -33° 37' 36.746"
Size: 29.1 x 29.1 arcmin
Radius: 0.343 deg
Pixel scale: 1.91 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: Up is 359.9 degrees E of N

SLOOH Chile2 20240211_014001 

This is a relatively bright spiral with an elongated oval core siting just off-vertical in the field. The encircling haze has dark and light zones, giving the appearance of movement.  A slinky curve of field stars twists just above and to the right of our galaxy.
Alt Names Bennett 13A 
Common Name  
Type Gal 
CON For 
Mag 10.7 
Class Sba-b


ID # 10  Image Notes
Target Name NGC 1380 NGC 1380

Center (RA, hms): 03h 37m 08.809s
Center (Dec, dms): -35° 08' 25.980"
Size: 43.5 x 43.5 arcmin
Radius: 0.513 deg
Pixel scale: 1.91 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: Up is 360.0 degrees E of N
SLOOH Chile2 20230217 0235

This galaxy has a bright stretched-out oval core with a broad tuft of haze at the upper and lower tips.I've labeled a slew of smaller galaxies that are in the frame. A rhythmical cadence of field stars string its way from just below center on the left edge to just above center on the right.
Alt Names D 574
Common Name  
Type Gal
Mag 9.9
PA 7
Class SB0


ID # 11 Image Notes
Target Name NGC 1387 NGC 1387
Center (RA, hms): 03h 38m 31.674s
Center (Dec, dms): -35° 23' 08.013"
Size: 43.5 x 43.5 arcmin
Radius: 0.513 deg
Pixel scale: 1.91 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: Up is 359.9 degrees E of N

SLOOH Chile2 20230217 0245

This is a continuation of the field above. You can locate the angled cadence of field stars mentioned previously to orient your veiw. Of the three bright galaxies in the bottom half of this frame, our target is the rightmost. This lenticular galaxy appears primarily as a bright oval core with only a faint haze detectable around its edges. 
Alt Names  
Common Name  
Type Gal
Mag 10.9
Class SB0


ID # 12 Image Notes
Target Name NGC 1395 NGC 1395
Center (RA, hms): 03h 38m 29.666s
Center (Dec, dms): -23° 01' 32.417"
Size: 29.6 x 29.6 arcmin
Radius: 0.349 deg
Pixel scale: 1.91 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: Up is 359.9 degrees E of N

SLOOH Chile2 20240131_015447

It's hard to tell this is a galaxy - it looks like a bright star with some hazy fringe around it. As an elliptical, it does appear very slightly squashed
along the horizontal axis. It sits among a loose scattering of field stars, a few placed in pairs and others in a meandering string near the top.
Alt Names  
Common Name  
Type Gal 
CON Eri 
Mag 9.8 
PA 120 
Class E2 


ID # 13 Image Notes
Target Name NGC 1398 NGC 1398
Center (RA, hms): 03h 38m 52.340s
Center (Dec, dms): -26° 20' 09.981"
Size: 31.2 x 31.2 arcmin
Radius: 0.368 deg
Pixel scale: 1.91 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: Up is 359.9 degrees E of N

SLOOH Chile2 20240131_015930

What a neat looking galaxy! It seems that we are looking straight down on bright round core bisected by a strong bar. A perfect sphere of dim haze gives a snow globe look to it.
Alt Names Bennett 19A 
Common Name  
Type Gal 
CON For 
Mag 9.8 
PA 100
Class SBab 


ID # 14 Image Notes
Target Name NGC 1404 NGC 1387
Center (RA, hms): 03h 38m 31.674s
Center (Dec, dms): -35° 23' 08.013"
Size: 43.5 x 43.5 arcmin
Radius: 0.513 deg
Pixel scale: 1.91 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: Up is 359.9 degrees E of N

 SLOOH Chile2 20230217 0245

This is the same image as shown for #11 above, but here we are looking at the bright round galaxy, NGC1404, to the lower left at ~7 o'clock from brighter NGC1399. It appears uniformly bright, with only a slight elongation giving a hint that it is an elliptical galaxy.
Alt Names  
Common Name  
Type Gal 
CON Eri 
Mag 10.2 
Class E1 


ID # 15 Image Notes
Target Name NGC 1433 NGC 1433 (Bennett 21)
Center (RA, hms): 03h 42m 07.845s
Center (Dec, dms): -47° 12' 15.634"
Size: 17.7 x 17.7 arcmin
Radius: 0.209 deg
Pixel scale: 1.46 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: Up is 3.9 degrees E of N

SLOOH Chile1 20240213_010953

Similar to NGC1398 (#13 above), we see a bright bar crossing a bright round core. We can see fuzzy vertical streaks in the haze at the east and west tips giving the impression of buzzing movement in the outer shell. A dark void encircles the central core.
Alt Names D 426 
Common Name Bennett 21 
Type Gal 
CON Hor 
Mag 9.8 
PA 99 
Class SBa 


ID # 16 Image Notes
Target Name NGC 1453 NGC 1453 (Merope Nebula)
Center (RA, hms): 03h 46m 21.611s
Center (Dec, dms): +24° 08' 11.416"
Size: 1.17 x 1.17 deg
Radius: 0.826 deg
Pixel scale: 3.08 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: Up is 359.4 degrees E of N

SLOOH Canary3 20221120_212741

Everyone's favorite of the Seven Sisters, the star Merope is famous for its nebulosity which shows off here in rose and blue hues.Some of the other sisters have nice nebulosity as well. This short exposure (LRGBx50 seconds) gives a nice sharp look to the Pleiades "tea cup".
Alt Names  
Common Name Merope
Mag 13
Class RN


ID # 17 Image Notes
Target Name NGC 1499 NGC 1499 California Nebula
Center (RA, hms): 04h 02m 22.341s
Center (Dec, dms): +36° 36' 24.480"
Size: 1.71 x 1.24 deg
Radius: 1.056 deg
Pixel scale: 2.39 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: Up is 184.6 degrees E of N

Seestar S50 DAV 20240213 22:06
Mosaic of 7 images,
each 10 minute live stacks of 10" exposures

The California Nebula is so big that I had to put together a stack of 10 overlapping images. Beautiful glowing clouds of rosy pink are unevenly illuminated and give a lovely 3D appearance to this emission nebula.
Alt Names  
Common Name California
Type BN
Mag 5.0
Class EN


ID # 18 Image Notes
Target Name NGC 1512 NGC 1512
Center (RA, hms): 04h 03m 55.207s
Center (Dec, dms): -43° 20' 04.787"
Size: 18.7 x 18.7 arcmin
Radius: 0.220 deg
Pixel scale: 1.46 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: Up is 4.0 degrees E of N

SLOOH Chile1 20240215_031215 

Yet another propellor-like barred spiral enclosed in its shimmering bubble of haze! Very nice!
Alt Names  
Common Name  
Type Gal 
CON Hor 
Mag 10.6 
PA 90 
Class SB(r:)b 


ID # 19 Image Notes
Target Name NGC 1515 NGC 1515
Center (RA, hms): 04h 04m 02.945s
Center (Dec, dms): -54° 05' 50.132"
Size: 18.2 x 18.2 arcmin
Radius: 0.215 deg
Pixel scale: 1.46 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: Up is 4.0 degrees E of N

SLOOH Chile1 20240215_033126 

This drawn-out galaxy looks like it was stepped on and damaged. The bright core appears like it is leaking and there is uneven debris reaching out of its top right and lower left edges .(Actually when zooming in, the top one looks like it might be an arm.) The galaxy's pointed tips fade out fo ragged haze. There is a teeny tiny galaxy to the lower right of our target galaxy. It looks like a faint star until zooming the view bigger.
Alt Names  
Common Name  
Type Gal 
CON Dor 
Mag 11.4 
PA 18 
Class Sc 


ID # 20 Image Notes
Target Name NGC 1514  NGC 1514
Center (RA, hms): 04h 09m 17.581s
Center (Dec, dms): +30° 46' 47.003"
Size: 29.3 x 29.3 arcmin
Radius: 0.345 deg
Pixel scale: 2.15 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: Up is 359.4 degrees E of N

SLOOH Chile1 20240306_2122083

This is a beatiful planetary nebula, all aglow in its bright turquoise shell! It is very approrpriately nicknamed the "Crystal Ball Nebula". It looks it has a dumbbell shape, oriented at an angle NW-SE The central star is blown out in this exposure but is easily seen. Big bright colorful field stars really set this object off nicely.
Alt Names  
Common Name Crystal Ball
Type PN 
CON Tau 
Mag 10.9 
Class PN 


ID # 21 Image Notes
Target Name NGC 1532  NGC 1532
Center (RA, hms): 04h 12m 04.356s
Center (Dec, dms): -32° 52' 20.508"
Size: 16.7 x 16.7 arcmin
Radius: 0.197 deg
Pixel scale: 2.32 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: Up is 3.9 degrees E of N

SLOOH Chile1 20240215_030745

This striking needle-like galaxy has deep dark gouges along its vertical axis and a bright disturbed core. Mottled and streaky bits are evident along its edges. It is interacting with its small neighbor, NGC 1531,which seems to be heading directly towards it from the right. Or perhaps the little one has just passed right through its big neighbor and is now squirting out? This pair is catalogued as AM 0410-330 by Arp and Madore in their southern peculiar galaxy catalog
Alt Names  
Common Name  
Type Gal
Mag 10.6
PA 33
Class Sc II-III


ID # 22 Image Notes
Target Name NGC 1543 NGC 1543
Center (RA, hms): 04h 12m 44.001s
Center (Dec, dms): -57° 44' 02.494"
Size: 16.7 x 16.7 arcmin
Radius: 0.196 deg
Pixel scale: 1.46 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: Up is 3.9 degrees E of N

SLOOH Chile1 20240216_030124 

Although we don't see much detail here, this galaxy gets my attention with its stark simplicity. Its core is round and bright with a swath of haze extending across it from left to right. It reminds me of the moon behind a wispy streak of clouds. A pretty drizzle of field stars reaches down from above it.
Alt Names  
Common Name  
Type Gal 
CON Ret 
Mag 10.3 
PA 93 
Class SB0 


ID # 23 Image Notes
Target Name NGC 1559 NGC 1559
Center (RA, hms): 04h 17m 38.072s
Center (Dec, dms): -62° 47' 28.980"
Size: 25.8 x 25.8 arcmin
Radius: 0.304 deg
Pixel scale: 1.91 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: Up is 359.7 degrees E of N

SLOOH Chile2 20240208_021250 

Boy is this galaxy beat up! This is another "peculiar" galaxy catalogued by Arp and Madores (AM 0417-625). It has bright knots on clumpy broken-looking arms. A haze exudes out from the main body, with the most noticeable portion coming out of the left end. Delicate strings of stars can be seen across the field.
Alt Names  
Common Name  
Type Gal 
CON Ret 
Mag 10.7 
PA 64 
Class SBc 


ID # 24 Image Notes
Target Name NGC 1579 NGC 1579
Center (RA, hms): 04h 30m 11.371s
Center (Dec, dms): +35° 16' 54.282"
Size: 29.8 x 29.8 arcmin
Radius: 0.352 deg
Pixel scale: 1.91 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: Up is 0.5 degrees E of N

SLOOH Canary2 20240215_220727 

This red emission nebula sports a prominent dark lane and lagoon-like bays. The dark rift on the east (left) is quite broad and almost bow-tie shaped. The bulk of the bright red clouds are on the west (right) side with an uneven wavy "shoreline" adding a bulging little lobe to the edge.

Alt Names  
Common Name Northern
Type BN 
CON Per 
Mag 9.9 
Class EN + RN 


ID # 25 Image Notes
Target Name NGC 1617 NGC 1617
Center (RA, hms): 04h 31m 40.174s
Center (Dec, dms): -54° 35' 58.179"
Size: 34 x 34 arcmin
Radius: 0.400 deg
Pixel scale: 1.91 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: Up is 0.1 degrees E of N

SLOOH Chile2 20240307_011442

Big & bright spiral NGC 1617 dominates this field with its elongated oval core and short bright arms encased in a wispy shell. Look carefully and you can find teeny tiny IC 2085 floating high in the frame.
Alt Names  
Common Name  
Type Gal 
CON Dor 
Mag 10.7
PA 107 
Class Sba 


ID # 26 Image Notes
Target Name NGC 1672 NGC 1672
Center (RA, hms): 04h 45m 43.076s
Center (Dec, dms): -59° 14' 50.974"
Size: 16.9 x 16.9 arcmin
Radius: 0.199 deg
Pixel scale: 1.46 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: Up is 4.0 degrees E of N

SLOOH Chile1 20240216_031213

This looks like a Tie-Fighter flying straight at us, lifting its one wing to say hello. Unusual in its asymmetry, it looks as if its right arm has been blown into thin fragments and is almost totally dispersed.
Alt Names  
Common Name  
Type Gal 
CON Dor 
Mag 10.2 
PA 170 
Class SBc I-II 


ID # 27 Image Notes
Target Name NGC 1783 NGC 1783 (Bennett 28)
Center (RA, hms): 04h 59m 08.924s
Center (Dec, dms): -65° 58' 59.199"
Size: 29.9 x 29.9 arcmin
Radius: 0.353 deg
Pixel scale: 1.91 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: Up is 0.1 degrees E of N

SLOOH Chile2 20240210_040928 

If this is an open cluster, it is one of the most compressed and dense ones I've seen. It looks like a globular to me. I cannot resolve any stars in the center but I see a nice sprinkling of stars surrounding the core, with two little sprays of them straggling out at 3 o'clock and 11 o'clock. Surrounding the cluster are dark areas very sparse in stars, providing a nice background for the cluster to shine.
Alt Names Bennett 28 
Common Name  
Type OC (??!)
CON Dor 
Mag 10.9 


ID # 28 Image Notes
Target Name NGC 1818 NGC 1818
Center (RA, hms): 05h 04m 13.886s
Center (Dec, dms): -66° 24' 29.213"
Size: 17.8 x 17.8 arcmin
Radius: 0.209 deg
Pixel scale: 1.46 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: Up is 3.8 degrees E of N

SLOOH Chile1 20240212_062241 

This is a star cluster with a compressed triangular core and a few individual scattered cloe around it. Another target in the field is the smaller NGC 1810 to the upper right and
extremely faint smudge of a cluster, KMHK 507, to the upper left.
Alt Names  
Common Name  
Type OC 
CON Dor 
Mag 9.7 


ID # 29 Image Notes
Target Name NGC 1792 NGC 1792
Center (RA, hms): 05h 05m 14.316s
Center (Dec, dms): -37° 58' 09.645"
Size: 18.5 x 18.5 arcmin
Radius: 0.218 deg
Pixel scale: 1.46 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: Up is 3.9 degrees E of N

SLOOH Chile1 20240216_035241

This is another disturbed and knotty spiral galaxy, and, sure enough, it's another Arp-Madore peculiar galaxy, AM 0503-380. It's also a Seyfert 1 galaxy which means in  addition to visible light it has considerable X-ray and UV emissions caused by heavily ionized gas.
Alt Names  
Common Name  
Type Gal 
CON Col 
Mag 10.2 
PA 137 
Class Sc 


ID # 30 Image Notes
Target Name NGC 1808  NGC 1808
Center (RA, hms): 05h 07m 42.892s
Center (Dec, dms): -37° 30' 33.101"
Size: 17.1 x 17.1 arcmin
Radius: 0.201 deg
Pixel scale: 1.46 arcsec/pixel
Orientation: Up is 3.9 degrees E of N

SLOOH Chile1 20240216_040714 

A pattern is starting to emerge here - this is another peculiar Arp-Madore galaxy, AM 0505-373. It is obviously distorted, with broken knotty arms and a stretched-out core. This is a Seyfert II galaxy which differs from the previous Seyfert I galaxy in that its emissions feature infrared light as well as visible; these galaxies are characterized by having an extremely bright core.
Alt Names D 532 
Common Name  
Type Gal 
CON Col 
Mag 9.9 
PA 133 
Class SBa 


Next: #31-60